There is a word ``YAIKI`` in Japanese Archery. It mean the moment of arrows.
Even an arrow hits the target,we can see the way of hitting is bad or not.
You might think that if the arrow hits the target, the way of hitting is not so important.
However, if the arrow has bad ``YAIKI``,the arrow can hit the target, but cannot go through an armour or board.
This can be applied to the techniques of KARATE. First class Karate Player's techniques make people shudder by their speed, power, and control. Immature players can play with speed, but lack something.
Though they might get points, not to improve their techniques with thorough going practices. This is same as bad YAIKI, which lacks something essential in martial arts.
In sports, getting points tends to be considered important. Actually, many Karate instructors teach players how to ``win`` the match. However, although Karate has an aspect of Sports, It is yet based on the concept of BUDO, martial arts.
Karate is not about winning, the way of winning and the process of challenging a match is most important. In this process, players learn many things, not only technique but also mental toughness.
Doping issues and illegal acts by judges and players in Olympic games are a warped aspect of the doctrine of winning.


Now, let me talk about mentality. What makes YAIKI bad or good is the people's minds.
if the person is in the state of spiritual darkness, YAIKI will be bad. In Karate, there is ``test
splitting,`` which is splitting a plank or stone in two by a hand. If you have anxiety or hesitation in your mind, you cannot split it because it acts brake on splitting a plank.
This is also same in KUMITE and KATA. Hesitation changes dynamics of WAZA (techniques). I myself, when I was young,
I always had to fight with the anxiety and hesitation my mind. As the strong desire to win makes my body inflexible, I could not display its ability and lost a lot. Even when I won a match, I could not win in an ideal way.
I played until the age of 40.I was released from the spiritual darkness at the age of 33.
Before the final match of World Championships, when I was planning strategies, suddenly I felt that I would leave the rest to providence as I did my best until today (actually I practised about 10 hour/day for 2 month before the match).
Then I felt relived, and won in an ideal way in which my body worked involuntarily with disinterest in winning.
After that I continue to play until the age of 40 because I pursued this ideal spiritual moment. My main interest to play Karate is to play in this ideal way, not to win games.


in Karate, there are Kata (forms). Most of them are established in China, then introduced to Okinawa (Southern islands in Japan).
From old time, Karate players improved their techniques by practising these forms. Technique of Karate can be acquired by practising KATA.


Finally, I would like to talk about REI (respect).
In martial arts, REI is considered very important. REI means respecting people. The significance of leaning Karate is this, especially for youth and children.
Off course, Karate is ideal sport which works to make youth and children's body gain well-balance physique. However the most
important thing is that Karate gives children a sense of respect and confidence by possessing techniques.


Another important point is modesty. For Japanese, this modesty is very important.
Although this point might be difficult to understand for others in different cultures, this is the most important point in learning martial arts.
If you are too confident, you cannot see important things. If you consider you are immature, you can ask others for advice.


Finally, the quintessence of sport combative is that when you face an opponent, you bow properly with respect, show combative instinct like animals with the voice of the judge HAJIME, fight with omniscience and omnipotence, come back to human being with the voice of judge announcing the end YAME, and then bow with modesty and respect regardless of defeat or victory.
This action is beauty of a martial arts.


We, Karate exponents, training in the art of World Shotokan, firmly reject all forms of prejudiceand discrimination. We hold no position on religion or politics and recognize each individual andeach separate organization as self determining entities. We seek the growth and development of World Shotokan and through that the development of world peace